Welcome! I am your first grade teacher, Mrs. Titus. I am very excited for our school year together!
What is a blog? It is an interactive website in which we can share ideas together, ask questions and communicate important messages. It will also be updated throughout the year with what we have learned, important dates, photos and other happenings. Each week our star of the week will share some thoughts with you as well. Once the school year gets started, the calendar at the bottom of the blog will post lunch and classroom volunteers.
If you are looking at this blog because you got my puppy postcard in the mail, please write a comment on our blog (with mom or dad's help). You can tell me something you think I should know about you, your favorite thing you did this summer or just say hello!
Click on "comments" below and start typing, it's that easy! Also, click on the arrow below the Smiley and she'll tell you a special message.